Q: How is the league funded?
A: The league is completely self-funded through our registration fees, concession income, various fundraisers (such as the raffle tickets), donations and sponsorships. Hillsboro Little League receives no funding from local municipalities.
Q: What does my registration pay for?
A: There are many ways that registration fees are used. Some examples are our National Little League Charter for each team, player insurance and property insurance, purchase of uniforms/hats, new playing equipment, field equipment, field maintenance, utility bills, umpire pay and office expenses.
Q: Are registration fees refundable?
A: Registration fees are not refundable. In extreme circumstances the Board will review the situation and make a decision.
**FYI – Hillsboro Little League is 100% volunteer-ran
Q: How do I join the Board?
A: The board of directors reorganizes and fills open spots during the October board meeting each year. If interested at any time throughout the year speak with a current HLL Board Member.
Q-: Can anyone attend the board meetings?
A: Yes. Anyone is allowed to attend our board meetings. If you would like to address the board with an issue or present ideas send an email to [email protected] so we can add it to the meeting agenda.
Q: When are board meetings?
A: Board meetings are typically held on the first Sunday of the month at 6pm. (there are a few exceptions, (i.e. Super Bowl Sunday or a holiday weekend). Location varies depending on season/weather.
Q: Why am I required to give a concession deposit?
A: Without the concession deposit, it would be impossible to secure a steady flow of volunteers to operate our stand. The deposit is simply a way to ensure staffing for the concession stand during games. If you absolutely cannot or do not want to work the concession stand HLL offers a “buyout” of $100.00.
Q: When I pay my concession deposit how do I get it back?
A: You will receive your check at the end of your shift.
Q: Who can work the concession stand for me?
A: A parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or anyone 16 years or older that represents a registered player is eligible to work your shift in the concession stand.
Q: I have two kids playing, do I have to do two deposits and work two shifts?
A: No, one deposit/one shift per family.
Q: How do I sign up for concession duty or how do I change my concession duty?
A: Everyone will be notified via Facebook and email when the sign-ups open for the concession stand. There is a tab on our website labeled “Concession Sign-Up”. We utilize a website called that makes everything very simple. You login and pick the slot you wish to work. If you need to make changes, you login again, remove yourself from your current shift and then pick a new one.
Q: What age is my child eligible to start playing Tee-Ball?
A: For Spring Ball they are eligible If they will be 4 on or before August 31st (Fall Ball is October 1st) of the current year they are eligible to sign up for Tee-Ball. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Q: What is “league age”?
A: Little League International learned that parents, players, and volunteers wanted to see Little League become, as a whole, a younger program, and give children an easier way to play Little League with their friends and classmates. Little League Baseball adjusted the League Age Determination Date to help achieve the goal of making Little League younger. The league age of a Little Leaguer for these divisions is based on the player’s age as of August 31 of the current year. This date is the same that many schools in many states use for student registration, which allows Little Leaguers to play with their classmates. (All divisions of Little League Softball will continue to use January 1 as its Age Determination Date).
League Age Calculator:
Q: Why is “league age” important?
A: League age is important because it guarantees that your child is playing in the age-appropriate division for the development and safety of themselves and others. It is also important for post-season tournament play (aka, All-Stars). If your child did not play in the correct division, they may not be eligible to participate in All-Stars.
Q: Am I guaranteed the coach of my choice or my child to play with a requested teammate?
A: We do not guarantee your child will have the coach/teammate they requested, although we do try to accommodate all requests. In the Minors division and above the teams are drafted by the managers.
Q: My child has never played Baseball/Softball before, what division should I choose?
A: On the bottom of our website ( you will see “Age Calculator”. Use this to determine your child’s league age, then you can scroll down to find “Little League Divisions By Age”.
Q: What is the skills assessment?
A: The skills assessment is used as a placement tool for our draft to ensure equality within the league. It is not mandatory and it is not required to be placed on a team. Team managers and coaches will observe the players throwing, catching and hitting to aid them in the draft to build their teams. The player should bring a glove, helmet and bat.
Q: Why are raffle tickets mandatory? What do I do with them? What are the prizes?
A: Your registration fee will include a mandatory $50 for raffle tickets (one set per family is required, but you are able to buy more if needed). The raffle tickets are one of our fundraisers for the organization. We chose raffle tickets instead of selling candy or wrapping paper (much easier!). You can sell the tickets for $1.00 each to make your money back or you can keep them and write your own name on them. We will have a bucket behind the concession stand on Opening Day, they are due by 9am that morning. You can also turn them in at the black mail slot on the front of the concession stand at any time. Grand prize is $500 and second and third place will receive $250.
Q: Do I have to live in-boundary to play at Hillsboro Little League?
A: Little League International states that any player who does not reside in, or attend school within the league’s boundaries is not eligible to play with that league. However, circumstances arise and situations occur. Hillsboro Little League is able to obtain waivers for these situations that will let your child play at HLL. (*Note: registering your child to play out-of-district may prohibit them from playing in the post-season tournament.)
Q: This is my child’s first year playing. What do they need?
A: Little League provides the jersey and hat. We recommend at least purchasing your child’s glove and helmet. Other items would be a bat, cleats, a cup (for boys).
Also visit:
Q: Is there a certain bat or certain size required in Little League?
A: Yes, please visit
Q: What size bat or glove do I need?
Q: How long is the season?
A: The Spring season runs from the start of practices (end of March) until the end of June (could be longer depending on rain-outs). The Fall season typically runs from September through October.
Q: What dates and times are practices/games on?
A: First, we will not have any schedule until AFTER registration has closed. Practices are determined by the coach and field availability and can be any day of the week, Monday through Sunday. We try to keep games (with the exception of Opening Day) on Monday through Friday evenings. Practices typically start at 6pm. While school is in session we try to only play “late games” on Friday evening. After school is out we typically have a 6pm game and a later game.
Q: Are we required to travel?
A: Most divisions will be required to travel to other leagues in our district (i.e. Twin City, Desoto, R7 and Imperial). Their addresses can be found on our website under the label “Other Leagues”.
Q: Am I required to complete a background check?
A: Little League International requires ANYONE that is on the field or in close contact with the kids needs a background check. This would include anyone 18 or older that is a Team Manager, Assistant Coach, and Umpire. It would also include "dugout parents" or anyone that steps on the field to help during a practice or game. If you think you will need a background check please email [email protected] with the subject" Background Check". We will need your legal first and last name, a valid email address and if you are new or returning. Within a few days, you will receive an email titled "Hillsboro R3 Little League Background Questionnaire Notification" (keep an eye on your Spam folder, as it likes to go there). Follow the link and complete the screening. Just a FYI, the link is only good for 14 days. You will not hear anything unless something is wrong.
Q: How many games do we play?
A: Weather permitting, we try to play at least 12 games in the Spring season (6 in the Fall).
Q: How are we alerted about rain-outs or canceled games?
A: Announcements will be made via Facebook and to the Team Managers. Sometimes games will be called early in the day, sometimes we may not be able to make the call until 4pm.
FYI – We WILL NOT respond to individual emails or messages from individuals. It is entirely too time consuming.
Q: What is the post-season tournament (All-Stars)?
A: At the conclusion of each Little League regular season, every local league has the option to enter a tournament team (or teams) into any of Little League's division of play from the Minor Division through Senior Division, in both baseball and softball. The tournament trail begins in early June and leads to seven World Series tournaments in July and August. There is additional costs associated with participating in tournament teams.